
Archive for January, 2025

Casino Slot Machine Games

January 31st, 2025 No comments

Modern casino slot machines are controlled by computer software, and the winning %s are preprogrammed into the game software.

Casino one armed bandits have Random # Generators which are continuously generating combinations, even when the slot machine game is not being played.

Running concurrently with the RNG of the casino slot machine is the pay out rate percent.

The pay out % controls how much the slot machine will pay out, for eg the pay per cent might be ninety percent, which means the one arm bandit will payout 90% of all the wagers played, and the casino will then get to keep ten percent.

This really does not mean that for every time you bet 10 credits you will receive nine in return – where’s the fun … exhilaration in that? Instead, the casino slot machine game will not payout for a bit, and then suddenly start up a hot streak and you might catch the big top prize.

The payout percentages will tend to vary between the alternate games and some of the notably famous casinos, for e.g Golden Online Casino, which hands out a payment of up to ninety five percent!

This means that, in essence, the slot machine game takes all the cash played into it and pays it out to a few fortunate winners. The casino only gets to keep a averagely low per cent of all the gambles placed.

The casino slot machine software controls each part of the machine, from the flickering lights to the spinning of the reels.

When you hit spin on the one-armed bandit, a combination is put together by the RNG which associates with the pictures on the reel.

Slot Machine positioning

January 17th, 2025 No comments

Volumes have been stated on this issue, and the contention and interchanges about where the "hot" one armed bandits are installed in a casino are still passionate – over 60 years after the slot machines were first placed in gambling houses.

The traditional rule is that the most favorable slots were installed just inside the main entryway of the casino; so that fun seekers going by would be able to see real jackpot winners and be titillated to come inside … play. Our viewpoint is that this is definitely no longer the case.

Most of the major casinos these days are oversized complexes and it’s no longer possible to see inside from the sidewalk, so there is no longer a reason to situate the ‘loose’ one armed bandits close to any doorways.

Yet another standard rule is that loose slot machines are put on the major aisles in the casinos, again so that more potential gamblers could see winning jackpots and be roused to play. Notably however, we find that this also is no longer a universal rule.

What casinos found over the years is that people walking down the busy aisles were frequently on the way to somewhere else. If they played the slot machines at all, they would simply put in their loose change because they happened to be walking by. Win or lose, they would very often not stop to keep playing. And the last thing a casino wants is for someone to win a jackpot by playing only a few coins and then not stay to put it all back in!

These days, casinos are constantly changing their philosophy about where to place the loose slots.

Slot Tournament Champions Secrets

January 1st, 2025 No comments

There are committed slot gamblers who regularly follow what is thought by some to be the assumed "slot tournament championship". This bevy of slot tournament chasers usually will show up for Hollywood Casino’s slot competition event and then a short while later, you usually will see them at a competition at the Grand Casino in Tunica. While there are just a small number of these players who continually get involved, the jackpots keeps them focused on competing in slot tournaments.

Quite a few of the best maintained tips remain with these people but there are a number of hints that you can "figure out" on your own. For instance, if you observe a familiar slot machine competition player, you usually will see that they won’t drink right prior to playing a competition since it slows down their reflexes. A good many players employ two hands to compete in the competitions and regularly press the spin button to try to hit as many hits on the payline as they can.

A handful of the "winners" don’t sit, but stand throughout the competition, so they can achieve more power to "put into" the pressing of the button repeatedly. There are different "tricks" a number of these Champions of the Slot Machine Tournaments use, but we might never have knowledge of what they could be unless we track a few of them extremely close seeing that they are not known for blurting them freely.

Many slot players have the impression that there is power in numbers and should they wager with a partner they question a host how much gambling is needed to be "invited" in to the invitational tournaments.

While it may not appear to be a game you are looking to aim for, still exclusive "invitational" competitions can secure you a position in which the main prize is into the thousands of dollars. It’s worth looking into to have a opportunity to win the big cash prizes these tournaments provide.